
Home Up Confessional Writing English 275 Autobiography Workshop 649 notes CourseEvaluation SelfAssessment Diaries and Diarists Dear Diary Honors 450-06 Honors 450 Capstone Saints&Sinners


At the end of the workshop, I ask each participant to do a self-assessment as well as a workshop evaluation. Here are the questions I'd like you to answer via e-mail (or in hard copy) concerning your assessment of your own performance in English 649. 


1. Now that it is the end of the semester, how satisfied/dissatisfied have you been with your overall performance in this graduate-level workshop? Please explain.

2. What percentage of class sessions do you estimate you have attended during the 

____100% _____75% _____50% _____25% _____less than 25%

Please cite any extenuatingcircumstances that have influenced your attendance (e.g., 
course load, illness, family, work, commuting difficulties, weather, etc.): 

3. How successfully do you believe you have you completed reading, writing, workshop 
assignments? Please explain.

4. How successfully have you participated in class discussions or offered responses to 
questions posed by other participants? Reasons?

5. Please check the grade that you believe you have earned according to contract terms:
A_______ B_______ Audit______
