Gregg W. Asher
Associate Professor
Computer and Information Science

Application for Tenure


All of the material on this web site is either hypertext markup language (HTML) pages or joint publishing group (.jpg) images. The material presented is best viewed with the Internet Explorer browser 6.0 or later. However every attempt has been made this web site generic enough that any web browser should be to be able to be used.

There will be uniform resource locators (URLs - web addresses e.g.. throughout this web site. It would be advantageous for the viewer to be connected to the internet in order to facilitate accessible these web sites. The URLs are not critical to this site but do enhance or support the statements being made. The .jpg images have been optimized for the web so they will load very rapidly eliminating any perceptible waiting time.

At the bottom of each HTML page, there will be a back button on the left hand side of the page which goes back to the last HTML page viewed. On the right hand side of the page is the Minnesota State University, Mankato flame which will bring the viewer back to this index (home) page and in the center of the page will be a link to the criterion home page.

This web site has been designed so that the viewer will be able to find the material with a minimal amount of difficulty. Each of the five criteria as outlined in the IFO contract article 22 will start with a brief narrative of my accomplishments and competencies in that criteria followed by material supporting that criteria.


Curriculum Vitae -   PDF file

Professional Development Plans, Progress Reports and Responses


Letters of Support

Criterion 1: Demonstrate Ability to Teach Effectively or Perform Effectively in other Current Assignments

Criterion 2: Scholarly or Creative Achievement or Research

Criterion 3: Evidence of Continuing Preparation of Study

Criterion 4: Contribution to Student Growth and Development

Criterion 5: Service to University and Community

Fifteen Years of Service to Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2002 (Actually 18 years in 2002)