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     Welcome to Germany!    June 2000  Dinklage, Steinfeld and Country Scenes
(left) Backyard Barbeque:  Norbert and Luise Bunker and family welcome Rachel, Dale, and Suzy.  (right) A view of the front of the old Bunker house in Steinfeld. You can contact Michael and Maria Buenker at this address:   
Pictured (left) is an old 19th century plow used to dig up the hard peat (sod) so that the earth could be tilled and crops planted. At right, a side view of the old Bunker house in Steinfeld.
At left is a restored  windmill used to generate energy to run a mill for grinding wheat into flour. At right we are visiting with the lady who now lives in the newer part of the old Buenker house in Steinfeld.
This peasant dwelling (at left) was a one-room structure with a thatched roof.  Our ancestors, along with their cows and pigs,  lived in such a dwelling as "Heuerleute" or "hired hands" on a large farm.  Right: a restored house in the village of Dinklage.
(At left) In Emsburen, the village where our Bunker family originated, Dale made friends with several gentlemen  celebrating  Schuetzenfest.  At right: Dinklage village center with church and shopping. 
At left: parish church in Emsburen.  Outside the church is a memorial to villagers who died during WWI and WWII. At right: a Dinklage gentleman takes an early morning bicycle ride as I snap a photograph.
At left: The river Ems,  just outside Emsburen, was once used for commerce and is now used for fishing and recreation. At right: a new house in Dinklage.
At left: the road out of  Emsburen and the bridge over the River Ems.  At right: six of our younger Bunker cousins in Dinklage.