Decision Analysis Definitions

A decision tree is a stem-and-leaf diagram of the logical structure of the decision(s) which must be made to resolve an issue.
It has four elements:

The probability of an event is the number of times it occurs divided the number of times you looked for it. It is a fraction, and must lie somewhere between <0> and <1>. Both <0> and <1> are "certainties"--<0> is the certainty that an event won't happen, <1> is the certainty that it will. The sum of the all the probabilities for any event (node) must be <1.0> (in other words, it is certain that something has to happen).

However, the probability of an independent event is not necessarily its probability when it is interdependent with a prior occurrence. The data may show that 30% of the housing in a particular city is deteriorated (i.e., there is a .30 probability that a randomly selected house in the city would be judged "deteriorated"). But the data may also show that 90% of the deteriorated housing in the city is in one particular neighborhood (i.e., there is a .90 probability that a house selected at random from neighborhood A would be judged "deteriorated" and--depending on the proportion of the city's housing stock in neighborhood A--perhaps a .10 probability that a house selected at random from any other neighborhood would be judged "deteriorated"). Knowing the conditional probability (the probability given interdependence) of an event is an example of additional information which can change the probabilities of a Chance Node by adding a new Choice Node ("select on the basis of neighborhood").

When two events are independent (at least as far as your model has specified the relationships), their joint probability is determined by the "rule of counting"--the probability of <m> and <n> is <Pm>*<Pn>. For example, if the probability of alcohol abuse and the probability of deteriorated housing are not tied to each other, and if the probability of the first is .5 and the probability of the second is .2, then the probability of finding an alcoholic resident in deteriorated housing should be .1 (<.5>*<.2>=<.1>).

When two events are interdependent (i.e., when one is "conditional" on the other), their joint probability is found by multiplying the probability of the first by "the conditional probability of the second, given the first." Going back to the neighborhood and housing example, the probability of a house being deteriorated, given that it is in neighborhood A, is <.9>. If the probability of a house being in neighborhood A is, say <.25>, then the joint probability of randomly picking a deteriorated house from neighborhood A is <.225> (<.25>*<.90>). When the prior event is a certainty--a <0> and a <1>--the resulting joint probability will be determined by the proportion of the event falling into either arm of the certainty.

It would take us too far afield to explore here the implications of conditional probability, but there is an Appendix, based on pp. 74-75 in Krueckeberg & Silvers (1974), which describes various relationships between x & y, displayed in chart, tree, and scatterplot form. It is worth your study.


© 1996 A.J.Filipovitch
Revised 10 October 96