NPL 473  Advanced Workshop in Nonprofit Leadership

Weekly Discussion Assignment


Since we do not meet as a class, the closest thing we have to this is the discussion lists on D2L.  I will pose questions to start out the discussion, and I will monitor (but may or may not respond) the discussion. 

Essay:  Each week, students will identify an article or published story about a nonprofit agency that is related to the topic for that week. By “article,” I mean an article published in a refereed journal (you can find many of them, for example, on JSTOR—but this link will only work if you are logged into a University computer or proxy server; check with the library if you are having problems.) .  If you aren’t sure about the difference, look at this description.  If you want to get help from a reference librarian, you can do it through e-mail or online chat at MSU Library’s “Ask a Librarian.”  You will post to the class a minimum 250-word essay which identifies the article (give full citation using any standard format), briefly summarizes its content, and discusses the relevance/impact of the article to the topic for that week.  As part of this essay or as a separate posting, you must also respond, thoughtfully and reflectively, to the question for the week.  I will assess your essay(s) based on the number of concepts from the assigned readings which you apply to the article and your response to the discussion question, and the insight/appropriateness of the application you make.  For credit, you must use examples, details, and credible support for your position, and refer to relevant readings (your text, at a minimum) using standard citation format (you cannot provide credible support without citing what others have written!).  You will not receive credit if you do not provide support for your responses.

Response:  Each student must also post a response to the question and at least one response to other student’s posting.  It is important that you post your responses with enough time for your classmates to reply within the time allotted for each unit; do not get behind in your discussion work.  While I will not track whether or not you read all of the postings, I strongly encourage it.  You have as much to learn from each other as from me.

There is an etiquette to online discussion.  I want you to engage in open, frank dialogue; but I also expect you to be respectful of each other.  Comments that are harmful, abusive, offensive, or vulgar will not be tolerated.  If I sense any problems, I will intervene.  Should you feel intimidated or not respected, please contact me so we can consider how to proceed.    A few hints: 

·        Re-read your messages before you send them—once it is sent, you are committed. 

·        Never assume that an e-mail is confidential; they are easily copied and forwarded to others. 

·        Also, be careful with humor; absent  body language and other contextual clues, it can easily be misinterpreted.



© 2003 A.J.Filipovitch
Revised 5 August 2008