Description: Models

The following is taken from the NOFA for the Community Development Work-Study Program from HUD:


“Applicants are required to develop an effective, quantifiable, outcome-oriented evaluation plan for measuring performance and determining that objectives and goals have been achieved. The Logic Model is a summary of the narrative statements presented in Factors 1–4. Therefore, the information submitted on the Logic Model form should be consistent with the information contained in the narrative statements.  ‘‘Outcomes’’ are benefits accruing to students in the program. Applicants must clearly identify the outcomes to be measured and achieved. Examples of outcomes include the number of students that complete the program and/or the number of students that obtained full-time employment.  In addition, applicants must establish interim benchmarks and outputs that lead to the ultimate achievement of outcomes. ‘‘Outputs’’ are the direct products of the program’s activities. An example of output is the number of placements a student has during the course of the grant. Outputs should produce outcomes for the program. All performance indicators should be objectively quantifiable and measure actual achievements against anticipated achievements.”


An example of a Logic Model matrix is:





Measures & Benchmarks

Shortage of trained community-building professionals from underrepresented groups

Provide graduate professional training to persons are from economically disadvantaged and from underrepresented groups

Short Term

a)  Selection of 3 qualified students within 10 days of beginning of Fall semester, or 30 days after notification of award, whichever comes later


a) Signed student agreements

b) Student files

c) on-site

d) manual retrieval

Milestones specified in “Selection, Placement, & Monitoring Plan”



b)  All 3 students file preliminary academic plan within 30 days of beginning of Fall semester, or 45 days after notification of award, whichever comes later


a) Signed academic plan documents

b) Student files

c) on-site

d) manual retrieval

Milestones specified in “Selection, Placement, & Monitoring Plan”



c)  All 3 students file first placement agreement & preliminary placement plan within 10 days of beginning of Fall Semester, or 30 days after notification of award, whichever comes later


a) Signed workplace agreement forms and preliminary placement plan

b) Student files

c) on-site

d) manual retrieval

Milestones specified in “Selection, Placement, & Monitoring Plan”



Intermediate Term

a) All 3 students successfully complete 3 work placements (one with a city, one with a county, one with a nonprofit) by May, 2006.


a) Completed workplace evaluations from student & supervisor

b) Student files

c) on-site

d) manual retrieval

Milestones specified in “Selection, Placement, & Monitoring Plan”



b) All 3 students complete all coursework in academic plan with grade of B or better by May, 2006


a) Student transcripts

b) Registrar database

c) on-site

d) electronic retrieval

Milestones specified in “Selection, Placement, & Monitoring Plan”



c) All funds accounted for and drawn by June, 2006


a) Business Office reports to HUD

b) Fiscal Affairs Database

c) on-site

d) electronic retrieval

Milestones specified in “Selection, Placement, & Monitoring Plan”



Long Term

All 3 students graduate with MA in Urban Studies by August, 2006


a) Student transcripts

b) Registrar  database

c) on-site

d) electronic retrieval

Milestones specified in “Selection, Placement, & Monitoring Plan”




All 3 students obtain professional employment in community-building positions by March, 2007

a) Career Placement Center report (telephone survey)

b) Institutional Research database

c) on-site

d) electronic retrieval

Milestones specified in “Selection, Placement, & Monitoring Plan”


In other words, a Logic Model, like a budget, is a restatement of the project narrative, this time with specific emphasis on what is to be achieved (and why), and how you will demonstrate that you have achieved it.  The Logic Model should key off the major elements of the narrative, and serve as a roadmap for the evaluation process you will be pursuing and reporting to the funder.


For further information, you might want to look at any of the following:


“Guidelines and Framework for Defining Basic Logic Model”


University of Wisconsin Extension Evaluation Logic Model


“Everything You Wanted to Know About Logic Models but Were Afraid to Ask”


Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide







© 2005 A.J.Filipovitch
Revised 31 May 2005