URSI 403--Doing Urban Research -- Lecture Notes 2

I. Posing a Question

"Dr. Pell was wont to say that in the Solution of Questions, the Maine Matter was the well-stating of them; wch. requires mother-witt and Logick...; for let the question be but well-stated, it will worke almost of itselfe." John Aubrey

A. The Two Cultures (C.P. Snow)

  1. Empirical Tradition
  2. Humanistic Tradition

B. Beginning Assumptions

  1. How does science develop?
  2. How does science approach phenomena?
  3. How is a scientific decision made?
  4. What is the relation between units and the whole?
  5. How are questions posed?

C. Rational Decision Making Model

  1. What are the alternatives?
  2. The Model

© 1996 A.J.Filipovitch
Revised 1 September 96