POLI 321—Democracy & Citizenship &

POLI 322—Public Achievement

Term:  Spring, 2012

Instructor: Tony Filipovitch, 106 Morris Hall, 507-389-5035, 507-388-2264 (home)

Office Hours:  My office hours are posted here.  I am available in my office at those times (or other times by appointment).  I also check my e-mail daily (usually several times during the day), and have an answering machine on both my home and office phone. 

There is no reason to flounder around, unsure of what “he wants” or confused about what you are doing; and even if everything is going fine with the coursework, there is more to learning than completing the assignments.  I encourage you to visit me, in person or at a distance by phone or e-mail, many times during the course.


Plato.  The Republic, tr. CDC Reeve.  (Indianapolis, IN:  Hackett, 2004)

Course Objectives:

1. Knowledge:  Students will develop a richer and more nuanced analysis of democracy, democratic responsibilities, and democratic participation.

2. Skills: Students will improve their ability to influence public affairs and practice skills for leading their own students in democratic participation..

3. Motivation: Students will develop a commitment to civic responsibility and involvement in public activity.



1.  Class Activities

Most class sessions will have three parts:  1)  Presentation & discussion of Plato’s Republic, 2) Group work on public achievement action, and 3) Reflection on “teaching democracy and citizenship.”  This class requires that you be present and actively engaged in every class session.

2.  Public Achievement Action:

 “Public achievement” is a process that has been pursued successfully with school-age children (and even adults) across the country and around the world.  And now it is your turn.  In a team of 5 or so, you will be responsible for selecting a “public issue,” exploring its dimensions and how it is embedded in its context, defining a project to address the issue, taking action to achieve your project, and assessing the results of your action—all within a period of 15 weeks.

3.  Symposium on The Republic:

Beginning with the 5th week of the course, small teams will take turns presenting one of the Books of the Republic (you can do this dramatically or demonstratively or….), followed by a time of general discussion by the entire class.  Your job in presenting the Book is to be as fair to Plato as possible, while also making whatever adjustments are needed to put it in contemporary idiom (language, but also situations & examples).  Your job as class discussants to is to do Plato the honor of really wrestling with his ideas—as you will notice, Socrates himself is not always sure that his answers are correct (so why should you take it on his say-so?)—and, besides, sometimes I think they are not even asking the right questions. 

4.  Writing Assignments:

There are two types of writing assignments in this course:

·         Summary PA Reports:  You will write summary reflections on each of the 5 steps of Public Achievement.  The reflections will be in two parts.  The first part will consider what has been going on in your group as it pursues its action steps.  The second part will consider what you have been learning as a teacher-in-training about techniques & strategies that you might use in the future to teach civic engagement (or in other subject areas, for that matter).  Each of these reports will be due the week after the step is scheduled for completion on the Course Calendar.

·         Final Essay:  You will write a major essay (minimum 10 pages) on the theme “Teaching Democracy and Citizenship.”  How you approach this them is up to you—you could approach it methodologically, or conceptually, or observationally, or….  Think of this as instructions to yourself as a future teacher.  I strongly encourage you to begin drafting this essay from the first day of class, and continuing to construct it all through the course (if  you wait until  the end, it is going to be a horrible chore).

Course Calendar

Due date


Reading from Text

PA Activity


Introduction to course & Public Achievement




PA—Background & PA Process


Select Issues


PA—Toolbox (Coaches); Core Concepts; Minigrants; ACT Form


1)  Explore Your Issue


PA—Toolbox (Teachers)




Nature of “Justice”

Book 1

2)  Power Mapping


Justice embodied—the City

Book 2



Training of the Guardians

Book 3

3)  Define Project (Mission Statement)


Individuals and the City

Book 4



Break Week!


Women, Children & Philosopher-Kings

Book 5

4)  Take Public Action


Nature of “Philosopher”

Book 6



Allegory of the Cave & Training Philosophers

Book 7



Less than Ideal Cities

Book 8



Motivations of the Different Types

Book 9

5)  Take Account


Justice as Good for its own sake

Book 10





Finals Week—Course Evaluation

Attendance & Class Participation:

Students play an important role in educating and challenging each other.  This can only happen if there is consistent attendance.  I expect you to attend, and I may take the class roll.  Unexcused absence (prior notification is required—even if I am not available, voice mail and e-mail always are) can result in loss of points toward one’s grade.  You are paying for this class—make sure to get your “money’s worth.”  Most importantly, this is an excellent foundation of knowledge for future activities, and it is a chance for you to learn, teach, and grow with others.


 5 summary reports @ 10 pts.             50

Group “enactment” of Republic         20

“Teaching Democracy” essay             30


The final grade may be based on a curve, but students can expect at least an A if they achieve 90, a B with 80, etc.

Other Matters:

All assignments are due on the assigned date.  Partial credit may be given for assignments that are less than one week late, unless other arrangements have been made in advance.

Written reports are expected to be free of grammatical, spelling, and content errors.  They should be submitted in typewritten, standard formats (APA, MLA, URSI Style Sheets).  You must familiarize yourself with the University’s Academic Honesty Policy.  I encourage you to draw on the ideas of others—but you must also identify when you do so (you gain “brownie points” for citing the work of others!).  Plagiarism is a serious breach of academic behavior and will result in an F for the course.

I will help you in whatever manner humanly possible.  However, once the semester is over, there is not a great deal I can do.  If there is something that you don’t understand, are having problems with, or need help on, please get in touch with me as early as possible.

Every attempt will be made to accommodate students with disabilities.  If you area student with a documented disability, please contact me as early in the semester as possible to discuss the necessary accommodations, and/or contact the Disability Services Office at 507-389-2825 (V) or 1-800-627-3529 (MRS/TTY).


1.  Civic & Ethical Values


BELLAH, R.N. et alii.  1985.  Habits of the Heart.  New York:  Harper & Row.


BELLAH, R.N. et alii.  1991.  The Good Society.  New York:  Alfred A. Knopf.


BIERMAN, A.K.  1973.  The Philosophy of Urban Existence.  Athens:  Ohio University Press.


BOYTE, H.C.  1989.  CommonWealth:  A Return to Citizen Politics.  New York:  The Free Press.


DEWEY, J.  1927.  The Public and Its Problems.  New York:  Henry Holt & Co.


FRIEDMANN, J.  1979.  The Good Society.  Cambridge:  The MIT Press.


GUTMANN, A. and D. THOMPSON.  1996.  Democracy and Disagreement.  Cambridge:  Harvard University Press.


KEMMIS, D.  1990.  Community and the Politics of Place.  Norman:  University of Oklahoma Press.


KEMMIS, D.1995.  The Good City and the Good Life.  Boston:  Houghton Mifflin Co.


KOTLER, M.  1969.  Neighborhood Government:  The Local Foundations of Political Life.  Indianapolis:  The Bobbs-Merrill Co.


LIPPMANN, W.  1947.  An Inquiry into the Principles of the Good Society.  Boston:  Little, Brown and Co.


MATHEWS, D.  1994.  Politics for People:  Finding a Responsible Public Voice.  Urbana:  University of Illinois Press.


TUAN, Y-F.  1986.  The Good Life.  Madison:  The University of Wisconsin Press.


VILLA, D.  2001.  Socratic Citizenship.  Princeton, NJ:  Princeton University Press.



2.  Building Democratic Community


ALINSKY, S.D.  1971.  Rules for Radicals.  New York:  Random House.


BENDER, T.  1978.  Community and Social Change in America.  New Brunswick, NJ:  Rutgers University Press.


GREEN, G.P. and A.HAINES.  2002.  Asset Building and Community Development.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications.


HENDERSON, P. and D.N. THOMAS.  1980.  Skills in Neighbourhood Work.  Boston:  George Allen & Unwin.


ILLICH, I.  1973.  Tools for Conviviality.  New York:  Harper & Row, Publishers.


KORTEN, D.C. and R. KLAUSS.  1984.  People Centered Development.  West Hartford, CN:  Kumarian Press.


KRETZMANN, J.P. and J.L. MCKNIGHT.  1993.  Building Communities from the Inside Out.  Chicago:  Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research, Northwestern University/ACTA Publications.


LAKEY, G.  1968.  Strategy for a Living Revolution.  San Francisco:  W.H. Freeman and Co.


LIPPITT, R., J. WATSON, and B. WESTLEY.  1958.  The Dynamics of Planned Change.  New York:  Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc.


MORRIS, D. and K. HESS.  1975.  Neighborhood Power:  The New Localism.  Boston:  Beacon Press.


NISBET, R.A.  1953.  The Quest for Community.  New York:  Oxford University Press.


POPLIN, D.E.  1972.  Communities:  A Survey of Theories and Methods of Research.  New York:  The Macmillan Company.


RUBIN, H.J. and I. RUBIN.  1992.  Community Organizing and Development, 2nd Ed.  New York:  Macmillan Publishing Company.


URY, W.  1993.  Getting Past No:  Negotiating Your Way from Confrontation to Cooperation, Rev. ed.  New York:  Bantam Books.


WARREN, R.B. and D.I. WARREN  1977.  The Neighborhood Organizer’s Handbook.  Notre Dame, IN:  The University of Notre Dame Press.


WARREN, R.L.  1963.  The Community in America.  Chicago:  Rand McNally & Company.


ZANDER, A.  1990.  Effective Social Action by Community Groups.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers.



3.  Fostering Civic Engagement


CHISHOLM, D.  1989.  Coordination Without Hierarchy.  Berkeley:  University of California Press.


CHRISLIP, D.D. and C.E. LARSON.  1994.  Collaborative Leadership:  How Citizens and Civic Leaders Can Make a Difference.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers.


DAVIS, P. ed.  1986.  Public-Private Partnerships:  Improving Urban Life.  New York:  The Academy of Political Science.


GRAY, B.  1989.  Collaborating:  Finding Common Ground for Multiparty Problems.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers.


HARWOOD GROUP.  1993.  Meaningful Chaos:  How People Form Relationships with Public Concerns.  Dayton, OH:  Kettering Foundation.


WINER, M. and K. RAY.  1994.  Collaboration Handbook:  Creating, Sustaining, and Enjoying the Journey.  St. Paul, MN:  Amherst H. Wilder Foundation.



4.  Leadership


AUTRY, J.A. and S. MITCHELL.  1988.  Real Power:  Business Lessons from the Tao Te Ching.   New York:  Riverhead Books.


BOLMAN, L.G. and T.E. DEAL.  1997.  Reframing Organizations:  Artistry, Choice, and Leadership.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers.


BOYTE, H.C.  2004.  Everyday Politics:  Reconnecting Citizens and Public Life.  Philadelphia, PA:  University of Pennsylvania Press.


BURNS, J.M.  1978.  Leadership.  New York:  Harper & Row, Publishers.


CLEMENS, J.K. and D.F. MAYER.  1987.  The Classic Touch:  Lessons in Leadership from Homer to Hemingway.  Homewood, IL:  Dow-Jones Irwin.


DEPREE, M.  1989.  Leadership Is an Art.  New York:  Dell Publishing.


GALBRAITH, J.K.  1983.  The Anatomy of Power.  Boston:  Houghton Mifflin Company.


GARDNER, H. 1995.  Leading Minds:  An Anatomy of Leadership.  New York:  Basic Books.


GARDNER, J.W.  1984.  Excellence:  Can We Be Equal and Excellent Too? Rev. ed.  New York:  W.W. Norton & Company.


GREENLEAF, R.K.  Servant Leadership.  Mahwah, NJ:  Paulist Press, 1977.


HESSELBEIN, F., M. GOLDSMITH, and I. SOMERVILLE, eds.  1999.  Leading Beyond the Walls.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers.


JACKSON, P.  1995.  Sacred Hoops:  Spiritual Lessons of a Hardwood Warrior.  New York:  Hyperion.


NANUS, B. and S. M. DOBBS.  1999.  Leaders Who Make a Difference.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers.


TERRY, RW.  1993.  Authentic Leadership.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass.


WHEATLEY, M.J.  1999,  Leadership and the New Science 2nd Ed.  San Francisco:  Berrett-Koehler Publishers.


WREN, J.T., ed.  1995.  The Leader’s Companion:  Insights on Leadership Through the Ages.  New York:  The Free Press.



5.  Leadership in the Community


ADDAMS, J.  1990.  Twenty Years at Hull-House, with Autobiographical Notes.  Urbana:  University of Illinois Press.


COLBY, A. and W. DAMON.  1992.  Some Do Care:  Contemporary Lives of Moral Commitment.  New York:  The Free Press.


COY, P.G., ed.  1988.  A Revolution of the Heart:  Essays on the Catholic Worker.  Philadelphia:  Temple University Press.


FREEDMAN, M.  1993.  The Kindness of Strangers.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers.


HAWKINS, J.D., R.F. CATALANO, Jr.  1992.  Communities That Care:  Action for Drug Abuse Prevention.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers.


KOZOL, J.  1988.  Rachel and Her Children:  Homeless Families in America.  New York:  Fawcett Columbine.


LOEB, P.R.  1999,  Soul of a Citizen:  Living with Conviction in a Cynical Time.  New York:  St. Martin’s Griffin.


MCLAUGHLIN, M.W., M.A. IRBY, and J.LANGMAN.  1994.  Urban Sanctuaries:  Neighborhood Organizations in the Lives and Futures of Inner-City Youth.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers.


MURRAY, H.  1990.  Do Not Neglect Hospitality:  The Catholic Worker and the Homeless.  Philadelphia:  Temple University Press.


RIIS, J.A.  1971.  How the Other Half Lives.  New York:  Dover Publications, Inc.


ST. ANTHONY, N.  1987.  Until All Are Housed in Dignity.  Minneapolis, MN:  Project for Pride in Living.


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© 2002 A.J.Filipovitch
Revised 7 January 2011