NPL 273  Introduction to Nonprofit Leadership

Readings from The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, Robert Herman ed. (1994)

Ch. 11  Managing Organizational Transformation,” Felice Perlmutter & Burton Gummer

“Organizational transformation” is a “catapulting circumstance that affects the fundamental essence and operations of the organization”—it is a change in state, not an evolutionary process.

1.      Context of Organizational Transformation

1.1.   turbulent field—the field as well as the players on it are in flux

1.2.   discontinuous time

1.3.   globalization

1.4.   increase in relevant uncertainty

1.5.   social “problem” vs. social issue

1.6.   privatization/”load-shedding”

2.      Types of Organizational Transformation

2.1.   Change in legitimacy

2.2.   Change in sector

2.3.   Change in professionalism

2.4.   Change in technology

2.5.   Change in mission

2.6.   Change in structure

2.7.   Change in funding

2.8.   Change in charismatic leadership

2.9.   Change in societal values

3.      Dilemmas of Organizational Transformation

3.1.   Values conflict as society’s values change

3.2.   Conflict between competing values of the organization (such as service mission and fiscal solvency)

3.3.   Organizational inertia

3.4.   Implementing new technology

4.      Managing Organizational Transformation

4.1.   Political strategies

4.1.1.      recognize organizational politics

4.1.2.      acquire power

4.1.3.      exercise power

4.2.   Organizational strategies

4.2.1.      mission-focused throughout change

4.2.2.      decentralization different problem solving strategies from one’s mistakes organization

4.2.3.      mergers

4.3.   Professional strategies

4.3.1.      conceptual understanding

4.3.2.      ideological orientation

4.3.3.      technical expertise

4.4.   Individual strategies

4.4.1.      initiative

4.4.2.      innovation

4.4.3.      risk-taking


© 2003 A.J.Filipovitch
5 July 2004