Community Leadership & Service Learning

Instructor:  Tony Filipovitch, Urban & Regional Studies, MSU

Office:  389-5035  e-mail:

(Please feel free to contact me with any comments you may have)


As one requirement of the Community Leadership & Service Learning course, students are expected to volunteer a minimum of 30 hours of time during the semester to a community-serving organization as part of their “service learning.”  Service learning is defined as: “learning that begins in the classroom and moves out into the community.”  Service learning is intended to meet community needs, be tied to academic goals, foster civic responsibility, and combine volunteering with learning. 


Upon completion of their service learning experience, students are expected to demonstrate what they learned by writing a paper that:


By signing this document, the student agrees to provide 30 hours of service to your community organization and the representative agrees to provide supervision and mentoring to the student.

Upon completion of the service activity, the representative signs again to attest that the student satisfactorily completed a 30-hour service experience.



_______________________________        ____________________________________

Student’s Name (printed)                                                                     Representative’s Signature                          (Start date)




                                                                                                              Organization Name


______________________________          ______________________________________

  Representative Signature                     (end date)                                Address




                                                                                                              Phone                                                            e-mail address